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Partners /

Anti-Slavery Australia

Anti-Slavery Australia is committed to ending modern slavery Australia, providing survivors with support and access to legal and migration advice. Modern slavery in Australia is a hidden issue, but it’s estimated more than 40,000 people live in modern slavery across the country, affected by human trafficking, slavery or forced marriage. Anti-Slavery Australia also drives systemic reform, helping to shape anti-slavery laws in NSW and across the country.

The Judith Neilson Foundation values our partnership with Anti-Slavery Australia, whose work empowers survivors to build positive futures. Please visit Anti-Slavery Australia’s website to learn more about their important work.

Personal stories /

Securing justice and safety for survivors of modern slavery

Rita’s husband used threats, coercion and deception to force her and her child to return overseas. She feared for her life and was threatened with murder if she did not comply, and was physically forced to board the plane with her child and a one-way ticket. Her husband then contacted Australian immigration authorities and provided false information to try and prevent Rita and her daughter from ever returning to Australia.

Rita managed to return to Australia and contacted Anti-Slavery Australia, who provided legal assistance to Rita and referred the matter to the AFP for investigation. The perpetrator was eventually convicted for exit trafficking and sentenced to 21 months’ imprisonment. ASA assisted Rita to obtain a grant of statutory victims’ compensation.   

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