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What initiatives does the Judith Neilson Foundation fund?

We fund partnerships that align with our mission and areas of work, primarily in Australia and Sub-Saharan Africa.

Does the Judith Neilson Foundation accept unsolicited funding proposals?

We do not accept unsolicited proposals for funding. Instead, we identify partners through extensive research based on an organisation’s alignment with our areas of work.

How can I get in touch with the Judith Neilson Foundation about my organisation or project?

While we do not accept unsolicited proposals for funding, we would love to hear about great organisations and projects that are related to our areas of work. Get in touch to provide information.

How can I find out about calls for Expressions of Interest?

We will announce any calls for Expressions of Interest on our website and social media. You can also subscribe for timely updates directly to your inbox.

How does the Judith Neilson Foundation allocate funding?

We identify potential recipients through our own research and due diligence and then engage in a detailed evaluation process. Funding requests follow a two-step process (concept and proposal development) prior to allocation of funding.

How does the Judith Neilson Foundation decide on the funding amounts and duration for projects and partnerships it supports?

We determine funding amounts through careful evaluation and joint consideration of the proposed projects or partnerships. We support pilot and one- to two-year programs; multi-year programs; and innovation projects. The Foundation seeks to develop trust-filled, multi-year partnerships wherever appropriate, providing both program oriented funds as well as unrestricted flexible funding where possible.

What types of funding does the Judith Neilson Foundation provide?

We provide funding across the full spectrum, ranging from grants, loans to impact investment for innovation.
We are also supportive of funding overhead and measurement and evaluation costs

Does the Judith Neilson Foundation fund individuals?

We focus on funding organisations or consortiums of organisations to ensure broader impact and bring about sustainable change.

How does the Judith Neilson Foundation connect to Judith Neilson’s funding of the arts, architecture and journalism?

The Judith Neilson Foundation operates independently from Judith Neilson’s projects in the arts, architecture and journalism. To learn more about Judith Neilson’s projects, we encourage you to explore her projects website.

View the full list of partners here

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